What Are Some Common Issues Involved In Negotiating Real Estate Leases?
I’ve noticed issues lately relating to precisely what constitutes a default, the ability to cure defaults, and of course, what authority each party has in the event of a default and what their continuing obligations to each other.
What Are Some Of The Components That Should Be In Every Real Estate Lease?
You want to be able to identify the property, the rent, and the duration of the lease. You want to make sure that contingencies are identified and what will happen if those contingencies occur.
Anything Else Under Real Estate Leasing That Clients Come To You With Or Questions That They Ask When They Sit Down With You?
I represent both sides of the aisle when it comes to real estate leasing, whether it be drafting the lease for the landlords or inspecting it for potential tenants.
For more information on Real Estate Leasing Law in Pennsylvania, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (610) 649-3769 today.

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(610) 649-3769